Tuesday 12 June 2007

Regency or Georgian or Napoleonic or Vaguely Related Item of the Week

A Painter's Studio

c. 1800
Louis-Léopold Boilly

National Gallery of Art Washington DC

Even though I could blog (verb? Totally) possibly endlessly about strictly Austen topics, once a week, possibly more often but at least this one is in a specific format, I'm going to go down the culturally significant road and post an item that is, as so aptly stated above, linked to the Georgian period. It might be about a book that influenced Austen, an author she influenced, music, art, decor or even Regency adventure travel. Anything could happen.


Anonymous said...

I love reading and learning about the Georgian period--your blog is great! I love what you've titled it!

Bexia said...

I blush! Thank you. I'll keep the Georgian Item of the Week coming every Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.